

They will definitely return the favour


Individual Membership

Access to the Game-Changers online platform (knowledge sharing inside our communities of practice, dedicated networking events, first to know about our new courses & events);

Access to People Alchemy online database (learning resources that help you design training courses);

1 seat@Noosfera Spring Conference

1 seat@Noosfera Autumn ConferenceUp to 20% discount for CIPD Qualifications + access to easy payment scheme

Corporate Membership

Access to the Game-Changers online platform (knowledge sharing inside our communities of practice, dedicated networking events, first to know about our new courses & events);

Access to People Alchemy online database for 5 members of your organisation (access learning resources that help you design training courses);

4 seats@Noosfera Conferences;

1 dedicated networking event

Noosfera crede cu tărie în puterea comunitățiilor. Visul nostru este să strângem profesioniștii din HR și business-ul românesc  într-o singură comunitate, al cărui motto este: "Think Together. Work Together"

Vreau Membership Noosfera