Masterclass-ul este un workshop

apropfundat într-o anumită arie de HR

sau L&D susținut de un facilitator

cu experiență internațională

în aria respectivă.









Masterclass We are all designers by Elvira Kalmar

06 Februarie 2019

Fiți pregătiți: sunt bucuroasă să vă împărtășesc învățăturile, frustrările, unele studii de caz și instrumente - voi, ca practicanți HR, să puteți utiliza chiar înainte de începerea procesului, în timpul și după muncă. De asemenea, mi-ar plăcea să vă aduceți experiențele, luptele și succesele - astfel încât să putem învăța cu adevărat unul de celălalt.

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Business Simulation Income-Outcome by Evolutiv

15 November 2018

Simularea de business Income/Outcome ® este un seminar susținut de Evolutiv Consultants Network care oferă o perspectivă și o cunoaștere aprofundată a afacerii, a leadership-ului, a impactului unei decizii manageriale și a responsabilității.

Simularea creează un context ideal pentru învățare, iar lecțiile însușite au aplicații imediate, fiind direct transferabile în realitatea simulării și, mai apoi, în realitatea de zi cu zi.

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HR Transformational by Perry Timms

4 July, 2018

Avem nevoie de a regândi întreaga perspectivă a muncii împreună (efort, cunoaștere, pricepere, nivel de implicare, asumare, semnificație, impact!, viitor), ceea ce generează o transformare masivă a funcțiunii de HR și o investiție uriașă în dezvoltarea de lideri ai viitorului; proiectul asupra căruia ne vom consacra anii ce vin, dorindu-ne să creștem impactul pe care îl avem în business și în organizații de tot felul este Transformational HR – o profundă schimbare de paradigmă în organizații, la nivelul unei funcțiuni transversale al cărui potențial este deocamdată incomplet utilizat

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Change the Game with GC Index by Nathan Ott

2 November 2017

Nathan is CEO of The GC Index Ltd and Director of eg.1, business insight and talent consultancy. He helped develop The GC Index® – an organometric and the first assessment instrument to identify Game Changers and the game-changing contributions individuals and teams can make.

He worked with Dr John Mervyn-Smith, Chief Psychologist at The GC Index Ltd, to carry out research to identify game-changing talent: The DNA of a Game Changer and The DNA of a Game-Changing Team. Nathan has helped thousands of leaders worldwide to transform their organisations by confronting challenges and disrupting traditional ways of approaching talent management.

Developing the Agile Organisation by Linda Holbeche

June 2014

Dr Linda Holbeche is a developer, consultant, researcher and coach in the fields of leadership, strategy, HR development, change management and organisation design and development. She is Adjunct Professor at Imperial College London and a Visiting Professor at City University's Cass Business School, at the University of Derby, and at London Guildhall Faculty of Business and Law where she is Co-Director of the Centre for Progressive Leadership. She is also an Honorary Fellow at Roffey Park and the Institute for Employment Studies.

Team Coaching by David Clutterbuck

November 2016

David Clutterbuck is a co-founder and lifetime ambassador of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council and founder of Clutterbuck Associates. Visiting professor at two UK Universities, he is repeatedly among the top 25 HR thinkers in HR Magazine's annual survey, and is the author or co-author of over 50 books, including Mentoring in Action and Building and Sustaining a Coaching Culture, published by Kogan Page.

Re-Imagine the Organisation by Paul Tolchinsky

February 2015

Paul Tolchinsky has been consulting to major companies around the world for the past thirty years. He has extensive experience in managing and facilitating large system change efforts; new plant design and start-ups; redesigning existing manufacturing facilities, particularly where unions are involved and has led numerous study missions to Japan. Paul’s particular expertise is in the design of organizations, applying socio-technical principles and Whole-Scale™ Approaches to the process of change in organizations. He is internationally known as a pioneer in the development of Whole-Scale (Whole-System) Approaches to change.

Coaching & Mentoring by David Clutterbuck

June 2013

David Clutterbuck is a co-founder and lifetime ambassador of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council and founder of Clutterbuck Associates. Visiting professor at two UK Universities, he is repeatedly among the top 25 HR thinkers in HR Magazine's annual survey, and is the author or co-author of over 50 books, including Mentoring in Action and Building and Sustaining a Coaching Culture, published by Kogan Page.

Organisational Design. HR Role in Merger & Acquisitions by Stuart Wigham

November, 2016

Board member of EODF. Stuart is the Director at Wigham Consultancy Services. Prior to starting his own consultancy service he worked as a Senior HR Manager specialising in Organisation Design with Europe’s largest local authority Birmingham City Council. In addition he is currently finishing his PhD research at Aston Business School. With expertise in the Whole System school of thought, he has a particular interest in engagement principles and practice and applying strategy, reward and equality principles.