Becoming a champion for coaching and mentoring!
Noosfera is the representative for Clutterbuck CMI in the Balkans.
**Recommended for: business leaders, entrepreneurs, consultants, line managers, people practitioners
- Coaching or mentoring? What they have in common, why we need both.
- How to make the business case for coaching and mentoring.
- When to use coaching and mentoring.
- How coaching & mentoring support line managers. · Guidelines for selecting executive coaches / matching them with clients. Powered by The GCIndex®
- HR’s role in supporting the move towards a coaching and mentoring culture.
Resources: A portfolio of support materials on all of these topics, to be included on the organization’s intranet
**Course Benefits:
- Enables you to learn from the practical experience of hundreds of mentoring programmes around the world
- Equips you with the templates you need to design and implement each stage of a mentoring programme
- Enables you to sell the mentoring programme to potential participants, and to key stakeholders, including the leadership team
- Introduces you to a global community of mentoring expertise
- Saves costs by ensuring you avoid the most common mistakes in setting up and running mentoring programmes
- Gives you confidence in your ability to make your programme work
- Provides the tools you need to monitor progress, evaluate outcomes and accredit your mentoring programme against international standards
- Committed to the standards and the ISMCP framework. Powered by The GCIndex®.
More info: contact @